
So you think you're fancy, huh?

Definition of Fancy:
(according to http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/fancy)
1. imagination or fantasy, especially as exercised in a capricious manner.
2. the artistic ability of creating unreal or whimsical imagery, decorative detail, etc., as in poetry or drawing.
3. a mental image or conception: He had happy fancies of being a famous actor.
4. an idea or opinion with little foundation; illusion: Her belief that she can sing is a mere fancy.
5. a caprice; whim; vagary: It was his fancy to fly to Paris occasionally for dinner.
I'm not quite sure how much of the worlds population consider themselves to be fancy, but the people who run this blog would love to consider themselves, at least maybe a bit of themselves - fancy.
People in the south may have one thing that pops into their mind when they hear the word, "fancy".

That's right. Good ol' Reba. She wrote a song about a mother who may or may not have prostituted her child for money  made her into an erotic dancer told her to be nice to the fellas and they'll be nice to you ;). The mother in the song also decided when she birthed the child to name her "Fancy" (who names their child that?).  Fancy is one of Reba's big hits, and at any given Saturday night in the south you will potentially find an inebriated southern beauty belting this from her small town stage.

Either way, the idea of this blog is to entertain you with what we consider to be fancy or entertaining, or possibly both.  

Any maybe, just maybe - you'll get to meet the creators behind the fanciness.

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